The Things in My Head (Scared?)

Apologies for the radio silence over the last couple of days.  I’ll cover HAWMC’s Days 12 and 13 today. (You can start at HAWMC Day 1 here) Day 12 is “Stream of Consciousness Day.”  I know….um, what?  It’s actually a...

Talkin’ ’bout 16

Today’s HAWMC prompt for Day 10 encourages us to write a note to our 16-year-old self.  SO many things to tell our 16-year-old selves, right? (You can start at HAWMC Day 1 here) Interestingly, I did this very exercise on a private blog several months ago,...

Use Your Senses

Okay, this is a fun one.  Today’s HAWMC challenge for Day 9 is to develop our own “Keep Calm” poster. (You can begin at HAWMC Day 1 here) You know those posters right?  I remember the first one I saw was in Barnes and Noble saying,...

No Worries

Day 8 HAWMC prompt asks us to write about our best conversation this week. (You can start at HAWMC Day 1 here) I recently bought a car, and there was a slip-up at the dealer resulting in my needing to go in and re-sign all of the paperwork.  The finance manager...

What TO Do

The prompt for HAWMC Day 7 invites bloggers to write about anything we choose.  That’s when I start getting super overwhelmed.  LOL.  As a result…I shall point to one of my favorite infertility resources: Infertility Etiquette. (You can...