Infertility in a Word Cloud

This is the last day of HAWMC!  Of the 30 posts this month, I completed a grand total of… ::drum roll:: Fifteen. Hm.  I think it’s safe to say that I will not be grabbing that fabulous HAWMC badge that says I completed 30 posts in 30 days and...

Don’t Ignore: Your Feelings

Today HAWMC (Day 23) says we can write about whatever we like!  Most excellent! (You can start at HAWMC Day 1 here) Today I’d like to focus on this year’s theme for National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW): Don’t Ignore Infertility. ...

Poetry, Acronyms, & Nonsense! Oh My!

Welcome NIAW, ICLW, and HAWMC bloggers! Holy cow is that ever a lot of acronyms.  Lemme ‘splain.. NIAW = National Infertility Awareness Week by RESOLVE.  Though this blog is already dedicated to the disease of infertility, NIAW is an opportunity to...

Feel Like Giving Up?

Okay… I think it’s pretty clear that my schedule isn’t going to allow for daily writing.  I’m sorry WEGO Health!  I will continue to write as much as I possibly can on a weekly basis! Today is Day 18 of HAWMC, and the prompt is...

My Dream Day

HAWMC Day 14 asks us to write about our “dream day.” (You can start at HAWMC Day 1 here) I read an article recently (and dangit, I can’t remember where, or I’d link it up for you) where the author stated something like, “If I always had...