When it comes to Crystals and energies, and healing, a lot of people have questions like: what are crystals? Where are they from? How do we find them? Do they work? If they do, how?

These are the questions that we will be answering in this episode of the Miracles Happen Fertility Podcast with the help of our special guest, Brana Mijatovic.

About Brana
Brana Mijatovic, Ph.D. Is an energy healer, astrologer and meditation teacher. Her main Soul Archetypes are the Explorer, the Magician, and the Creator.

She was born with extra sensory abilities and have been developing her gifts throughout her life to create multi-dimensional healing approaches that create rapid personal transformation.

Her work with Tesla Healing, Soul Astrology, Archetype Integration and Crystal Frequencies helps to quickly clear energetic blocks, expand intuitive abilities and increase personal energy.

In addition to her private practice, she holds in-person and online meditation classes and teaches in-person and online classes on energy healing, astrology and crystal frequencies.

Her academic background and a Ph.D. degree from UCLA are the driving forces behind her scientific research on energy work.

Here is what is covered in today’s episode:

  • What exactly are crystals?
  • How does cyrstals work?
  • The effects of crystals on fertility

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Here is what is covered in today's episode:

  • how to deal with the anxiety associated with letting go of stuff and making decisions
  • specific steps to take when you are not sure what to do next
  • the roles intuition and attention play
  • the heart-brain connection known as HeartMath, specifically, the Freeze-Frame Technique



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