Hello to ICLWers (and everyone else, of course)!  I’m a therapist who’s dealt with infertility and adoption, and I like to write about how to maneuver those crazy waters even when you feel like you’re about to sink.  No easy task for sure.  Welcome, and I hope you find something helpful on this blog today!

I was perusing through my old personal blog and found a time period when I was doing “bad art.”  True, my artistic ability is next to nil, but it sure gave me pleasure to put something funny out there…especially when it had to do with making fun of infertility (and mostly myself, actually).

So, I decided to post my personal IVF Story, funnies style.  May it bring you a wee bit of joy today.

Holy meds, Batman!
Day 1 of stims…not so bad.  
Day 2 of stims…not bad either!  I can totally do this!  
Follicle Check
Yes.  This really happened.


Belly, bruises, and pain, oh my!  And a safety pin to hold my pants up.
Yes. The consignment shop really did open during my cycle.
In my neighborhood.  Where I always walk. Grr!
Oh joy.
Yup.  Really happened.
He didn’t die.  Damn anesthesia held me back.  

These funnies brought to you in part by IF brain.  When in doubt, laugh.  And for more funny plugs (100% shameless) visit Laughing is Conceivable and 999 Reasons to Laugh at Infertility.

If you could add your own cartoon here, what would it be?  Shoot….DO draw your own cartoon!  And give me your link!  I’d love to see it!

May you giggle at least once today.  Until next time.

Be well,