HAWMC Day 6: A Letter to Infertility

Hi all!  It’s Day 6 of the HAWMC and an absolutely gorgeous day here on the East Coast (finally!).  Dare I say Spring has arrived? You can start with Day 1 of HAWMC here. Today’s prompt:  Write a letter to your condition — what do you...

HAWMC Day 5: Thinking BIG!

It’s Day 5 of HAWMC….still going strong here.  Wah-hoo!  You can start with Day 1 here. Today’s prompt: If I could do anything as a Health Activist…”  Think big today!  Money/time/physical limitations are no...

HAWMC Day 4: Favorite Things

It’s Day 4 of the HAWMC 2013, and I am diggin’ the way this is going.  I’m learning a lot and feeling all involved and stuff. You can start with Day 1 here. Today’s Prompt: Create a “care page” — a list of your best...

HAWMC Day 3: Wordless Wednesday

HAWMC Day 3: Post a picture that symbolizes your condition and your experiences. You can find Day 1 here.   Like a lotus flower that grows out of the mud and blossoms above the muddy water surface, we can rise above our defilements and sufferings of...

HAWMC Day 2: Sharing Old Posts

It’s Day 2 of the HAWMC.  I’m officially on a roll.  Yay me!You can start with Day 1 here.   Don’t know what the heck I’m talking about?  I’ll give the link to you one more time: HAWMC.  Check it out! ...