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You are well on your way to handling those super difficult moments in infertility when you just feel like crumbling into a little ball.  

For your convenience, you can complete this worksheet on your computer or mobile device, or you can print it out.

Just click the image to receive your PDF for instant access, and you’ll be able to breathe a bit easier.







AND, because I know just how much more sanity you need in your life, I am giving you a BONUS freebie!

Click the CD image below to download your free Baby Manifesting Meditation.

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What is Manifesting, you ask?

Well, you know that fear you have that you won’t have your long-dreamed-of baby?  Those thoughts actually affect your biology (Yes! Lots of research shows this!).  This meditation helps you begin to change your mindset (and therefore your biology)- no more worrying about whether or not you’ll have your baby.

Can you imagine a life like that?  You’ve got nothing to lose, Mama.  Go get some peace.  You deserve it!